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What is Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture?

Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture (FRA) is an effective, non-surgical facial treatment that helps to reduce or slow the signs of ageing.


Also known as Cosmetic Acupuncture, Facial Enhancement or Facial Rejuvenation, FRA has a long and rich history in Traditional Chinese Medicine, dating back over two thousand years.


FRA is much more than a cosmetic procedure – it is a holistic treatment that focuses on helping you to feel good on the inside and look good on the outside. It is a safe and effective alternative to Botox and surgical procedures that target the signs of ageing.

How does Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture work?

FRA works by invigorating the face, improving blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which help to improve muscle tone, skin quality and encourage collagen production.


Facial invigoration is achieved by the insertion of very fine acupuncture needles into lines and wrinkles, followed by a facial massage using strong Tui Na techniques and acupressure.


Lymphatic drainage is encouraged with the use of facial rollers, warming techniques and gentle massage.


The treatment also includes a relaxing hand and foot massage, which complements the FRA procedure and contributes to the holistic nature of this treatment.


The results reported by patients include:


  • Firmer, smoother, more radiant skin.

  • Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Improvement in skin conditions, such as rosacea or psoriasis.

  • Reduction of dark circles or puffiness under eyes.

  • Improvement in skin tone and colour.


During FRA, fine needles are also inserted into a few selected body points, chosen to enhance overall health and well-being based on the patient’s constitution and lifestyle. Because of this holistic approach, people often report feeling more relaxed and better in themselves.

How many Facial Revitalisation Acupuncture treatments will I need?

FRA is a natural way of revitalising the skin, so the results will not be as immediate and dramatic as a surgical procedure, such as Botox. However, you are likely to notice an improvement in the radiance of your face after the first treatment.


Results from FRA are cumulative and a course of 6 to 10 weekly treatments is recommended for lasting results. Following that, monthly FRA treatments are encouraged to maintain the results.

Treatments and prices

The initial consultation and treatment includes taking a medical and lifestyle history – this information is incorporated into the FRA procedure and treatment planning. This appointment lasts approximately 2 hours and costs £75.


Subsequent FRA treatments last 75 minutes and cost £50.

Want to know more?

If you would like to know more about FRA or to discuss the treatment in more detail, please contact Sue to arrange a consultation phone call: 0773 902 2645 or email


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